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"Rheological and Aesthetical Properties of Polyolefin Composites for Flame Retardant Cables with High Loading of Mineral Fillers"
Sara Haveriku, Michela Meucci, Marco Badalassi, Camillo Cardelli, Andrea PucciMicro MDPI - settembre 2022

“Optimization of the Mechanical Properties of Polyolefin Composites Loaded with Mineral Fillers for
Flame Retardant Cables” (

Sara Haveriku, Michela Meucci, Marco Badalassi, Camillo Cardelli, Giacomo Ruggeri, Andrea Pucci
Micro MDPI - luglio 2021

“CPR classification of cables and fire safety: contribution of innovative PVC and Halogen free

Presentazione orale AMI CABLES 2021, Cologne, Germany.
14-16 marzo 2022.

“New formulations of low smoke, low acidity, no dripping, flame retardant PVC”
Presentazione orale AMI CABLES 2021, Cologne, Germany.
14-16 settembre 2021.

“How to formulate HFFR compounds for cables based on natural magnesium hydroxide (MDH)”
Presentazione orale IWCS 2020 Virtual Cable & Connectivity Symposium;
Online interactive conference, 12-16 ottobre 2020.

"Improvements of Flame Retardancy and Safety of PVC Compounds in case of fire" (pdf)
Presentazione orale al Global PVC Compounding & Production Cycle Forum,

Online Interactive Conference, 15-16 giugno 2020.

"Flame Retardancy with Low Smoke and Low Acidity: current status, future trends and competition between last generation of PVC and polyolefin compounds" (pdf)


Presentazione orale al NIST, Washington (USA). 5 aprile 2019.

"Green and competitive solutions for flame-retardant PP" (pdf)


Presentazione orale al Fire Retardants in Plastics 2019, Pittsburgh (USA). 2-3 aprile 2019.

“Combination of mineral fillers 3rd phase evolution: opportunities and drawbacks for the CPR complying cables" (pdf)

C.Cardelli, M.Badalassi.
Presentazione orale al Fire Resistance in Plastics 2018, Colonia (Germania). 10-12 dicembre 2018.

“Mineral and polymeric additives as new synergist for HFFR compounds" (pdf)

Presentazione orale al Polymers in cables 2018 (AMI), Philadelphia (USA). 19-20 giugno 2018.

"Mini-SBI for testing of fire retardant properties of HFFR compounds for cables(pdf)

C.Cardelli, A.Cardelli, M.Badalassi, A.Castrovinci, A.Decorso,S.Martinelli.
Presentazione orale al Fire Resistance in Plastics 2017 (AMI), Colonia (Germania). 5-7 dicembre 2017.

"Physical and chemical characterization of representative samples of recycled rubber from end-of-life tires(pdf)

A. Re Depaolini, G. Bianchi, D. Fornai, A. Cardelli, M. Badalassi, C. Cardelli, E. Davoli

Chemosphere 184 (2017) 1320-1326.

"TPV Based Insulation for Medium Voltage Applications(pdf)

A. Galanti, S. Dossi, A. Magri, C. Cardelli

Atti del convegno 65th IWCS Conference, 531-537, Providence (USA), 2-5 Ottobre 2016.

"Idrossido di magnesio come Flame retardant: caratteristiche, applicazioni e mercato"

C. Cardelli.
Seminario presso Università degli studi di Palermo, Dipartimento dell'Innovazione Industriale e Digitale (DIID) - Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica, Meccanica. 12 ottobre 2016.

"Boehmite as synergist for Flame Retardant polyolefin compounds" (pdf) 

Presentazione poster al 9th International Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers (MoDeSt 2016), Cracovia (Polonia). 4-8 settembre 2016

"Effects of poly(dimethylsiloxane) and inorganic fillers in halogen free flame retardant poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) compound: A chemometric approach" (pdf) 

A. Cardelli, G. Ruggeri, M. Calderisi, O. Lednev, C. Cardelli, E. Tombari
Polymer Degradation and Stability 97, 2536-2544, 2012.

"Optimization of a Flame-retarded EVA composite" (pdf) 

Presentazione poster al 13th European Meeting on Fire Retardant Polymers (FRPM11), Politecnico di Torino, Alessandria (Italia). 26-30 giugno 2011.

"Actual use and trends in mineral-based Flame Retardant Solutions for Polyolefin compounds"

Seminario presso Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Budapest (Ungheria). 5 Aprile 2011

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